The double-plate technique is used in many professions such as watchmaking, electronics and photonics where precision is essential.

All types of materials can be worked using this technique: glass, crystals, metals, composites, ceramics.

Double-platen machines generate perfect geometry in terms of flatness and parallelism. The parts to be treated are placed in support satellites between 2 rotating plates. The satellites themselves are rotated creating a planetary movement.

This kinematics ensures the most rigorous specifications in a natural way. This technique can be applied to flat, spherical and cylindrical parts with high precision and excellent repeatability. Working in batches guarantees the homogeneity of the geometric characteristics of the parts.

Depending on your expectations in terms of surface quality, the machines can be configured to obtain smoothed (matte surface) or polished (mirror surface) states. The different choices directly influence the results of the treatment and my expertise is decisive.

Results vary greatly depending on materials and processes. The following values ​​should therefore be taken as what is possible to do best, with a significant yield (on known materials):

  • Flatness = lambda out of 10 (based on the % of the useful area)

  • Parallelism = 1 arc second (depending on the size of the part)

  • Roughness = between 1 and 2 Angstrom (depending on the 2 previous characteristics)

  • Thin thickness, simple method = 80 microns

  • Thin thickness, complicate method = 10 microns

When developing our machines, we pay very close attention to their reliability, precision and ease of implementation for all types of applications: from laboratory research and development to large series production.

The simplicity of our interfaces allows users to get started quickly and easily.