Website Publisher
This site is published by the company ALPOLISH, a Single-Owner Simplified Joint-Stock Company (SASU), registered with the Chambery Trade and Companies Register under RCS number 892 357 641.
SIRET number (head office): 89235764100018
Head Office
354 Voie Magellan, Parc d’Activités A,
73800 Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac, France
Publication Director
The publication director is the company’s manager, acting as the legal representative of ALPOLISH.
Website Creation
This site was designed and created by Quadricolore Communication,
35 chemin de Clapezine, 38510 Passins, France.
Website Hosting
The site is hosted by PlanetHoster,
4416 Louis-B.-Mayer, Laval, QC H7P 0G1, Canada.
Phone: +33 (0)1 76 60 41 43
Personal Data
The information collected on this site is intended exclusively for ALPOLISH for the purposes of managing and optimizing customer relations. For more information, please consult our [privacy policy](link to the privacy policy).
Intellectual Property
The content of this site, including texts, images, logos, and graphics, is the exclusive property of ALPOLISH or its partners and is protected by intellectual property law. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, or exploitation of the content without prior authorization is strictly prohibited.
Limitations of Liability
ALPOLISH strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this site. However, it cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, nor for the results that may arise from the use of this information.
For any questions regarding the legal notice, you can contact ALPOLISH via the contact form.